Cycle Torque November 2017

On the cover of the November issue of Cycle Torque is Kawasaki’s open class sports-tourer, the Ninja 1000.

Cycle Torque Magazine November 2017 cover kawasaki ninja 1000 yamaha kodiak 450
Download the November issue of Cycle Torque

In 2017, the changes Kawasaki has made are significant; and almost all for the better. Read the test to find out more…

Also ridden is Yamaha’s ready-to-work Kodiak 450 ATV. Not many vehicles can do the work an ATV can; and while Yamaha’s outgoing mid-sized quad was one of best out there, the Japanese manufacturer knew it had to improve things. With the Kodiak 450, it did.

Phil James loves dual sport machines. So, which one is the best for you? His answer might surprise you…

I caught up with the Japanese and Australian Grand Prix Moto3 wildcard Tom Toparis, who has come from relative obscurity in less than two years of road racing to showcase his talent on the world stage.

Ross Naylor from European Motorcycle Adventures looks at some of the best rides in Europe.

It’s never too early to spread some Christmas cheer, or drop a few hints to the better half for that matter. Our buyers’ guide provides lots of inspiration for the littlest kids all the way up to the biggest ones.

Don’t forget to catch up with the latest opinion from myself, who takes aim at the Victorian Government’s attempts at motorcycle culture, Flack reckons motorcycles are the greatest educators and Smarty looks at 40 years of the Australian Four-Day Enduro.

Remember, opinions are like arseholes…; if there’s something you agree with or it gets you all fired up we’d love to here from you.
–Ryan Grubb


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1 Comment

  1. I heartily agree with the observations made re the harassment of bikers travelling to and fron the MotoGP. I used to do Corner Marshalling for both the Superbikes and GP in the ’90s. This involved using half of my annual leave and cost around $1000 each time I went down there. Due to time constraints on one occasion I needed to get home early so I was riding along in the middle of nowhere at around 5am, when a police car going the other way spun around, chased me and pulled me over. I was fined for doing 114 kph in a 110 kph speed zone. When I got home I sent a letter to the GP organisers and told them that it was costing me too much money to assist them anymore and that the actions of their rude and arrogant police force from the moment the border is crossed, are atrocious and more like what I have experienced in a third world country. These days, I ride to a nice country town somewhere and watch the races in the local RSL or pub. I loved the Marshalling and am considering getting back into it via the Historic Racing meets. Keep up the good work.

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