
Vietnam – A gold star adventure – PTII

LAST month we left our intrepid Vietnam touring group on the shores of Lake Lak. Besides the beauty of the lake itself, the main reason tourists visit the area is to go for a ride on an elephant. […]


Vietnam – A gold star adventure – PTI

FROM the chaos of bustling city streets to the incredible serenity of the mountains, from gaudy displays of wealth and bling to the incredibly poor countryside, from a war-torn past to a blossoming future, Vietnam is an incredible country. […]


Glenn Scott – Racing for a future

WITH a successful junior career in dirt track it was only natural Glenn Scott would look to bigger things, and those bigger things are a professional career in road racing on the world scene. Glenn, […]


Green with ENV

THERE aren’t too many hydrogen fuel-cell-powered motorcycles on planet Earth, but Bob Guntrip tracks one down and tries it for size. […]