Cycle Torque

It's back!

The Harley-Davidson Museum in Milwaukee, Wisconsin has acquired one of the few surviving Fat Boy motorcycles used in the filming of Terminator 2: Judgement Day.


Terminator 2 is an iconic film and a celebrated piece of pop culture history, with a major thanks to HD’s appearance amongst other factors like Arnie’s classic one-liners, “I’l be back.” “Get down!” and “Get to the chopper!”.


Museum spokesperson Jim Fricke said, “This motorcycle arguably played one of the most significant film roles in Harley-Davidson’s history, and we’re thrilled it has found its permanent home here at the Museum, where it will be preserved for future generations.”


The museum has sent us a few photos of the old girl, which still has scuff marks from production wear and tear.


Such a shame it’s so far away!